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Teen Program

Teens can get involved in B’nai Tikvah in several ways, including:

Post-Mitzvah Teen Group 

Open to all teens in grades 8-12, this group meets monthly on Sundays from 5:30-7:30 pm. Participants enjoy a pizza supper followed by an exploration of topics of interest to teens, led by Rabbinic/Cantorial Intern Josh Schreiber and Religious School Director/Lead Teacher Michelle Langmead. Past programs focused on The Secrets of Sukkot, Anti-Semitism Through History and Chanukah and the December Dilemma.

This year's topics include:

January: Books, Books and more books. In religious school, we learned about the Torah, but what about all the other books. Let’s explore the mishnah and talmud. What do these talk about and why are they important?

February: Community service project - To be determined

March: The masks we wear, how do we present ourselves vs our authentic selves.

April:   What’s Hillel and what will HIllel offer me? A visit from area college students to discuss choices of schools and their involvement in Hillel. 

April: Fun Field trip

All teens in the community are invited to attend. The program is free to Temple members and $90/year for non-Temple members. For more information or to register, contact

Use our online form to REGISTER TODAY.

JYAC - Jewish Youth Action Committee

B’nai Tikvah teens have formed a Jewish Youth Action Committee (JYAC),  with the goal of promoting leadership and doing good deeds in the community. 

In December, The Jewish Youth Action Committee organized the Safe Teens, Strong Futures Workshop at Galvin Middle School with guest speaker Dan Tratt to talk about teenage substance abuse. The picture to the left is of committee members Harrison Feldman and Josh Harris, with guest speaker Dan Tratt at the workshop.










This textile collection bin pictured above was put in the B'nai Tikvah parking lot by the Jewish Youth Action Committee. This bin is for the collection of used linens, sheets, and towels, so please donate any used textiles to this bin!

For more information, contact


B’nai Tikvah Religious School graduates can give back to our community through the Madrichim program. Teens are trained to work with current students and volunteer 1-2 days a week, offering personalized Hebrew reading support as well as being mentors. Under the supervision of our teachers, the madrichim help plan special programs and run games for the students. High school students can receive community service hours.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784