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Weekday Minyan

Everyone is invited to join us for our weekday minyan (Sunday through Thursday) at 7:30 p.m. over Zoom.  

Zoom Link |  Meeting ID:  844 4705 9779  |  Passcode:  183618

We have an active group of participants that make the service very lively. Conmmunity members commemorating a yahrzeit may wish to honor that event by leading some portion of the evening’s service. It might be as small as leading a prayer or could be leading Mincha (the afternoon service) or Ma’ariv (the evening service). If you are interested in taking this honor, feel free to email Joe Doniger at least two days in advance, and we’ll help make arrangements with that night’s minyan leader.

Minyan Schedule

Please click here for this month’s schedule

For last-minute schedule changes, please check Chai Lights.

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785